Friday, May 30, 2008

Free Software I Actually Use

A friend asked me to send links to some of the free software I use for Windows. There's a lot out there, and you can do almost anything with free software as you can with purchased software. Here is a copy of my message:

Cheap 4x6 postcard flyers and other printing


Star Office $70 from or download free from just uncheck all other programs (cause they're crap) except Star Office and it will downloand and install in one step. Google has special agreement with Sun to give this away for free.

Many good, free programs at - for your computer or they will download to a USB drive and you can take them with you and use on any computer. Check out GIMP which is a Photoshop-type program and Inkscape which is an Illustrator-type program. Also InfraRecorder for CD burning. And VNC Media Player which plays alomst any video file format.

Free PDF creating program - Ive used it for a long time and it works well but lately something is causing it to crash. Try it and see if it works for you

Also FoxIt PDF Viewer (just Google it) is way better and faster than having the bloated Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Finally AVG Anti-virus rocks! Download here.